#Nappies4Dignity raises awareness

JOBURG – In support of National Sanitation and Hygiene Week, Johannesburg Water has launched a campaign to collect nappies for the elderly.

Johannesburg Water launched the #Nappies4Dignity campaign, as part of the National Sanitation and Hygiene Week. The initiative runs from 16 to 20 May.

Johannesburg Water executive manager and communications officer Hilgard Matthews said that as a country they celebrate National Sanitation and Hygiene Week every year.

“As an organisation we came up with the campaign to provide nappies to elderly citizens. We aim to raise awareness about the challenges and experience people with problematic bodily functions experience. I believe the elderly have assisted us in becoming who we are and this campaign is a positive way to celebrate them and others who are affected,” said Matthews.

He added that their target is to collect one million adult nappies for the various old age homes, hospices and home-based organisations in Joburg. It costs a person who uses three nappies a day approximately R900 a month. Some of the organisations that will benefit are Andries Meyer Old Age Home, Tswelopele Frail Care Centre and Nazareth House.

“We encourage everyone in Joburg to donate as many nappies as they possibly can. There are depots across the City that we have allocated as drop-off zones. We are also prepared to collect a large number of nappies that have been collected by an organisation or individuals. For more information on this campaign, people can visit our website, and also place a pledge online,” said Matthews.

He added that the social media campaign can be accessed via #Nappies4Dignity @jhbwater or on their Facebook page. People are also welcome to take a selfie, post it and tag us and people they know when donating. All sizes from large and extra large sizes are welcome.

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