Second-hand business owners asked to meet with the Linden Police

LINDEN – Second-hand business owners are asked to meet at the Linden Police Station on 26 April.

Captain Alex Vermaak from the Linden Police Station is urging the business community who sell second-hand goods to meet at the Linden Police Station.

Capt Vermaak and the second-hand goods officer Sergeant Bheki Marsh are inviting second-hand business owners to come to the station on 26 April at 10am at the Linden Police Station to meet with the officers involved for the protection of their business and the community.

Second-hand business owners to be informed at a meeting with the Linden Police on how to protect their businesses and the community.

This is to protect the business owners against stolen goods, getting into trouble with the law and to make sure they are on the same compliance level. Capt Vermaak said that business owners can be fined if it is discovered that they are not conducting their businesses according to the required acts.

This meeting will help business owners to have a direct line with the police in the case of any criminal or suspicious goods sold. “We have been trying to meet with second-hand business owners for three years now,” said Capt Vermaak. He also mentioned that this can save business owners from losing money, “If the police seize goods suspected to be stolen as evidence, business owners will not be compensated and will therefore lose money,” he said.

He pointed out that there are at least 66 second-hand goods businesses in and around the Linden precinct which include car dealers, cellphone shops and charity shops. “Charity shops that sell any items that are more than R100 must be a registered business, “All items must be numbered and correspond with the registry,” he said. He concluded that these businesses must have records of all their items with full details including ID numbers, contact numbers and addresses of the person who sold the items to the business.


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