Fundamental changes needed on World Water Day

JOBURG–The World Wildlife Fund believes bold changes need to be made in order to address climate change.

The World Wildlife Fund SA recognises 22 March as World Water Day. This year’s theme is Water and Jobs – WWF SA calls on both the public and private sectors to address climate change and job creation.

World Wildlife Fund SA senior manager Christine Colvin said that South Africa is still affected by the worst drought in 30 years. She highlights that bold changes are needed to address climate change, in order to create a water-secure future with sustainable job growth.

“The four important changes that are needed within next year is to re-think our infrastructure, increase the development of our new water institutions, ensure the price of water reflects its value and enable more public and private collaboration through water stewardship,” explained Colvin.

She added that WWF and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has mapped out water source areas.The Department of Environmental Affairs plans to prioritise restoration and develop new green economy job opportunities.

“The drought has taught us that in most parts of the country, our government does not have the capacity to cope. Bottled water is a short-term emergency measure, which has not always delivered enough supplies. Long-term planning is needed to include better water supplies such as groundwater,” said Colvin.

She said that as water is a human right, to be able to meet the basic human need of 25 litres per person per day, is challenging. However, she believes as we use water beyond our basic needs, the unpopular truth is that we need to pay more.

“The drought has also heightened our understanding of the risk security. If we do don’t act boldly now, we may neglect the most important responsibility summarised by South Korean politician Ban–Ki Moon. We are the first generation that can eliminate poverty and the last that can put an end to climate change,” concluded Colvin.

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