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Linden Police fight against domestic violence

WINDSOR EAST – Domestic violence comes in physical, mental and emotional ways.

The Hillbrow Police cluster took to the streets of Windsor to hand out pamphlets on domestic violence on 24 February.

According to Linden Police corporate communications officer Constable Carol Mulamu, Windsor has had a high volume of domestic assault and assault to cause grievous body harm cases opened. “Most of these cases are influenced by substance abuse – albeit alcohol or drugs,” said Const Mulamu.

The police went around Beatrice Street handing out pamphlets to flats, salons, restaurants and individuals walking on the streets.

Const Mulamu said that the domestic violence campaign is to raise awareness to the community because most of the abused individuals are scared to report their cases.

The pamphlets have information on what domestic abuse is; it can be physical abuse, emotional, psychological and verbal abuse, sexual abuse, damage to property, harassment, stalking and any other form of controlling behaviour. The community was educated that a protection order is an order issued by a magistrate upon

application of the victim. The order compels the perpetrator of domestic violence to either act in a certain manner or refrain from committing certain acts. The community was also informed that the police will assist them with medical attention, shelter and victim counselling.

The police officers informed the community about their Victim Empowerment Programme where they interview victims, keep their information private, provide victims with information about the reported case, assist and refer legal advice and treat victims with integrity and respect.

“The community is urged to report domestic violence, even if it is your neighbour, your identity will be kept anonymous,” said Const Mulamu.

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