DSJ celebrates ‘Fasching’ with fun

PARKTOWN - Kindergarten children dress up and dance before Lent.

Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg kindergarten children celebrated ‘Fasching’, a German carnival, by dressing up on 9 February.

“Fasching or carnival is celebrated in most parts of Germany, and is a tradition that is carried over to our school. It celebrates the time before the fast begins and ends at Easter,”explained Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg principal of Regenbogen-Kids, Brigitte Helmrich.

The children go to school dressed up in a fun costume and walk around the school grounds singing Fasching songs. The children then sit in a circle on the kindergarten lawn, where each class performs a rehearsed dance. After the dances, the children enjoy a picnic.

Details: Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg, dsj@dsjmail.co.za or 011 726 6220.

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