Chaos erupts on the Hill

BRAAMFONTEIN – The Constitutional Court becomes a soapbox for the EFF.

Supporters of the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) dominated Constitutional Hill on 9 February during the Nkandla saga court proceedings.

A large contingent of EFF supporters gathered at Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown and commenced their march to Constitutional Hill.

Chaos erupted immediately after they arrived outside the court but police quickly barricaded the entrance and it was calm again.

Only a few supporters of Congress of the people (Cope) and Democratic Alliance (DA) were already gathered outside.

Earlier on in the day, EFF leader Julius Malema told supporters of his party that the organisation was marching for two things only – the Nkandla court proceedings and declaring war against the Guptas.

“All we want is to get the President to be accountable. We have no problem with the man. We have problems with everyone who is not compliant with the Constitution of the country,” he explained.

He said they were there to uphold the Constitution of the country.

He complained that all people who subscribed to the New Age newspapers were contributing to criminal elements of the Guptas.

“The Guptas are criminals who are milking our money. Today they have taken us to court. We have a right as politicians to criticise every role player in the media, economy, society and political organisation,” he explained.

According to Malema, people have died so that they could protest. “We are not going to be harassed by police in protection of the Guptas and their friend Jacob Zuma,” he further asserted.

He further lambasted President Zuma’s decision to pay back the money. “So Zuma, the President who loves the Constitution, who subscribes to transparency, where will you get the money,” asked Malema.

Details: Economic Freedom Fighters,

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