Primary school pupils collect bottles

FAIRLAND – Laerskool Fairland pupils learn to give back to the community by donating empty water bottles.

Laerskool Fairland has done its part to donate water to drought-stricken areas in the country.

Riané van den Heever approached her friend, Leanie Taljaard who is a teacher at Laerskool Fairland, to collect clean, empty water bottles. She also approached the Weltevrede Voortrekkers. The bottles are needed to send water to the small community of Verdwaal in the southern part of the Free State, who barely has any water. According to Taljaard, Van den Heever works at Barclays and some of the employees have boreholes and will fill the bottles.

Pupils from Grade R to Grade 7 are involved in the project. “We are very fortunate to live in this area. Small communities, farms and towns are really struggling in the drought,” said Taljaard. She further said that people in Joburg can turn on a tap or walk into a shop and there is water. “If we take hands with this project, we can really make a difference,” Taljaard added. She explained that the pupils are learning to give to people in need.

The project started on 25 January and will be going on for a week. On the second day of the project, Laerskool Fairland gave eight black plastic bags full of empty bottles to be taken to Verdwaal. “We collected these bottles in only two days, I predict that these bottles can take up to 320 litres of water. It is our goal to collect many more empty bottles,” said Taljaard. On 3 February water will be taken to Verdwaal to be distributed.

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Details: Laerskool Fairland, 011 678 4591.

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