Parkview Police Christmas message

PARKVIEW – It has been a long, eventful year – albeit with ups and downs at Parkview Police precinct.

Parkview SAPS media liaison officer, Sergeant Lloyd Ramovha emphasises the importance of community involvement in fighting crime.

As we approach the festive season, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents in our policing area, for the contribution they have made toward rendering our precinct a safer place as far as crime is concerned.

It has been a long, eventful year – albeit with ups and downs. Regretfully, we have had several serious incidents throughout the year of which some successful arrests were made, and they are before our judiciary. We undertake to ensure efficient investigations take place, thereby guaranteeing that justice is served.

Crime affects all of us, regardless of culture, creed, race and religion; therefore it is paramount that police and society forge and sustain relations. We need to energise, polarise and mobilise if we are to be victors in this war on crime.

We can never over-emphasise the importance of community involvement in our quest to fight crime – without your involvement we are doomed. We urge everyone in our precinct to get involved in crime-fighting initiatives, including involvement with the Community Policing Forum.

To those who will be celebrating Christmas – may you have the joy and blessings accompanied by this season.

To everyone else, enjoy the special time you have with your loved ones and let us build stronger families for a prosperous country.

A very blessed festive season to everyone. Enjoy!

Details: Parkview Police 011 486 5000.

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