Pupils say goodbye to Pre-Primary life

FAIRLAND – 16 pupils throw their caps after graduating from Wonderland Pre-Primary school.

Wonderland Pre-Primary in Fairland bid farewell to their Grade 00 class with a graduation ceremony on 25 November. The 16 pupils, who will be going to Grade 1 in 2016, stood on stage with graduation togas and caps.

The graduating class sings songs at Wonderland Pre-Primary.

Excited parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters smiled with pride and took photos while the pupils sang songs. A teacher at Wonderland, Peggy Roux said that a Pre-Primary beginning in these days is very important. “The children are with us, most of the day. It is our responsibility to teach these children manners. We had many children come back to visit us, even when they are in high school,” said Roux. In true graduation tradition, the pupils got to throw their caps at the end of the ceremony.

Wiida Hamman, the teacher of the graduating class, said that she knows she will be very sad on their final day at the school, which is in three-weeks time.

Details: Wonderland Pre-Primary 011 678 3946.


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