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Report your abuser

JOBURG – ER24 urges women and children not to keep quiet about abuse.

Women and girls are advised not to keep quiet when abused. ER24 said that those who chose to keep quiet while they were still children, must seek justice by reporting their abusers – even if it happened a long time ago. ER24 spokesperson Chitra Bodasing said many people do not expect that heinous crimes such as rape can be committed in their own homes by those they trust.

Henning Jacobs, trauma support co-ordinator at ER24, said, “Some victims keep quiet for many years and live with the pain and trauma. Jacobs said a huge injustice has been done to these people. “Perpetrators must be brought to book because finding justice will help victims work through their emotional problems,” he added.

He said the first step is to report the abuse to the police and open a case. Speaking about children, Jacobs said that they should be taught as early as possible that no one is allowed to touch them inappropriately. “Crimes such as rape committed by family members is shockingly common,” said Jacobs.

He said children should be informed from the age of three about what is right and what is not. Jacobs said parents should tell children they do not have to do anything they do not want to do when it comes to physical touch. He urged parents to ensure they have a great relationship with their children so that their children are comfortable telling them anything.

“Some perpetrators tell victims that what they are doing is the way they express their love,” he said. Jacobs added that others tell children they are playing a game and that it is their secret game. “They also compensate these children with presents and sweets, and children are blackmailed and often keep quiet due to fear,” said Jacobs.

Some perpetrators tell them that if they tell anyone, something bad will happen. “For instance, children are told that they will be taken away from their homes. Some victims are told that someone, such as their father, will go to jail while some are often ashamed and feel that what has happened is their fault,” said Jacobs. Jacobs said at times the mothers also don’t report because they may be financially supported by the perpetrator.

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