Vumatel hosts presentation in Fairland

FAIRLAND – Residents attend a Vumatel presentation to learn more about what the service has to offer in their community.

Vumatel Fibre hosted a meeting at Fairland Primary School on 20 October where residents attended a presentation by Vumatel Fibre representatives.

Vumatel installs fibre optics cables to all homes in neighbourhoods in partnership with a community. They aim to connect every home with high-speed open access fibre. Residents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of providers and services for data, including IPTV and VOIP.

Vumatel Fibre CEO Niel Schoeman discussed the direction of technology internationally in relation to the services they offer.

“Vumatel has a separate infrastructure from other services that are connected in your home. We have designed our services in such a way that our competitors can also use our service but operate interdependently,” he said.

Schoeman also said that the purpose of the presentation was to inform the community about Vumatel and what it has to offer. They have been in talks with the Fairland Resident’s Association and the City of Joburg on how to implement their project.

“One of our main responsibilities is to create awareness about out organisation, receive feedback from the community and ultimately increase the number of people to sign up to Vuma Fibre,” he said.

Ward 89 Councillor Ingrid Reinten said she believed the Vumatel project is a fantastic idea and sees the many benefits for residents.

“This project can benefit schools, residents and security in homes by supplying a reliable and affordable internet connection. Having this service installed will also increase the property value,” she said.

Vumatel’s fibrehood manager Oliver Parkinson spoke about the benefits and challenges of Vumatel should residents decide to sign up to the service.

“The con’s of our service is it has limited capacity, looks messy when connecting it and there is risk of damages. The pros are it is less disruptive, costs less to maintain and is out of sight once connected,” he said.

According to Schoeman, they have received very good feedback from 30 suburbs who have formally endorsed Vumatel.


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