Join Orban for fundraising carnival

WESTDENE – Orban Private School hosts rugby carnival for funds for tuck shop.

Calling all traders: Time to go Bok-a-Mok with Orban Private School. It is almost time for the Rugby World Cup 2015 final, and what better way to celebrate than Orban Private School’s Bok-a-Mok Carnival on 31 October, kicking off at 9am until 1pm. It is called the Bok-a-Mok market in line with the Rugby World Cup. The final match is in the evening and rugby will be the theme of the day.

The school is located in at the bottom end of the cul-de-sac in Winchester Street, Westdene. Need snacks for the game? Some gifts for your guests? What would any decent carnival be without a tombola stand, a second hand books emporium and loads of food, arts and craft stalls. The goods available at the market will be home grown and home made – everything from jams and pies to fresh produce and crafts.

If you have quality, handcrafted goods to sell, this is a great opportunity to book a spot at the market. R200 will secure you a place and a chair. Due to limited available tables you are required to bring your own table. The only condition is that food and beverages will not be permitted to be sold from a stall. This will be taken care of by the school.

Once you are done shopping and selling, there will be more than enough time to get home and put on the braai for the rugby. “What a way to get the vibe going for the final match of the World Cup. The Bok-a-Mok market is going to give family and friends an opportunity to enjoy a fun day. Food will be plentiful, the vibe will be electric, gifts plentiful and all to be enjoyed at Orban School,” said Liz van Tonder. the school’s principal.

“The money is in aid of the tuck shop we need to re-establish after the structural issues we have unfortunately encountered,” Van Tonder concluded.

Details: Orban Private School 011 726 6036/7 or email

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