GALLERY: Bye bye maple trees

FAIRLAND – Two large Maple trees have been savagely cut down in the park opposite the Fairland’s tennis club.

Two large and long-standing maple trees were cut down on 1 October by the Fairland’s Tennis Club chairperson.

Residents in the area were disgusted when they saw the trees being cut down.

A resident who chooses not to be named said, “I saw two men cutting the trees down on my way to drop my children off at school. I stopped and asked who they were hired by and the gentlemen said Hennie from the tennis club.”

Ward 98 councillor Laurette van Zijl commented, “As soon as I was alerted by residents, City Parks was called to intervene.”

Hennie Basson, the tennis club chairperson confirmed, “Yes I did cut the trees down and I knew they were on council property.”

He added, “The trees were ruining the tennis court and I have tried to contact City Parks for the last thirty years to do something about this.”

“It is totally unacceptable that anyone can claim the right to damage council property. Trees are such a valuable resource and these were old. It does not give him the right to do what he wants, if he had an issue contacting relevant entities he could have addressed his concerns with me as a ward councillor for the area,” commented Van Zijl.

She congratulated the residents who reported this incident and encouraged others to remain alert to acts like these.

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo spokesperson Jenny Moodley was contacted in regards to this incident.

Moodley acknowledged that Joburg City Parks and Zoo did attend to the situation quickly and are in the process of reporting the incident. Moodley assured that official comment will follow shortly.

Details: Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, ; Ward 98 councillor Laurette van Zijl, 082 330 0593.

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