Montjane wins Gauteng Sportswoman of the Year with Disability

WESTDENE – Wheelchair tennis player Kgothatso ‘KG’ Montjane does Westdene proud again.

Wheelchair tennis ace Kgothatso ‘KG’ Montjane was for a second time named Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability, at the Gauteng Sport Awards on 11 October, at Silverstar Casino in Krugersdorp.

The 29-year-old Westdene resident, who is ranked number one in South Africa and eighth in the world, was first bestowed the honour in 2013 for the same category following her first Swiss Open title. Montjane has maintained her position in the top 10 women players in the world for the past four years, and secured key results over the past year, which moved her into the top eight once more.

Montjane recently made headlines after she claimed two titles at the Swiss Open and the Belgian Open doubles title. Her major achievements this year include reaching the singles finals of the Airports Company South SA Open, and clinching the doubles event.

Montjane reached the singles semi-finals of the Melbourne Open, won the doubles, and won the singles and doubles events at the Queensland Open, in January. Montjane was nominated ahead of the country’s top rallying blind navigator, Bonita Blankenberg and wheelchair basketball star, Masego Goodness Mokhine.

“To be able to be selected from those big names is a truly great achievement that I’m very proud of,” Montjane said. “I was very privileged to win it in 2013, and to win it again means the world to me.” South African wheelchair tennis champ Lucas Sithole, also a Westdene resident, was a finalist in the Sportsman of the Year with a Disability category and Sports Personality of the Year, but was beaten by University of Johannesburg athlete Andrea Dalle Ave and Banyana Banyana defender, Janine van Wyk respectively.

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KG wins doubles title 

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Montjane claims Belgian open doubles 

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