Fasset holds its AGM in style

BLACKHEATH - Finance and accounting training authority, Fasset gets creative with its combined AGM.

Skills Education Training Authority (SETA), Fasset, recently held its combined AGM at The Venue in Melrose Arch. The AGM was conducted as a performance piece that included CEO, Cheryl James, and members of the management team.

The performance began with a taxi prop entering the stage containing the corporate cast. The taxi was representative of the SETA, as the words “the vehicle that powers innovation is skills development” were written on it.

The production included a chairman’s address from Fasset Acting Chairperson, Mopo Mushwane before James went through the annual financial statements. Thereafter Fasset managers were called upon in various roles to relay information about Fasset to the crowd.

One of the speakers was the beneficiary of a Fasset training programme, Russel Shinyawani-Ngobeni, who is currently the founder and managing director of SGC Training Consultants. “The Bonani programme [funded by Fasset] taught me how to apply for a job [and] how to do the job, so that when I get a job I am able to sustain it because I have the skills. Before joining the Bonani Programme, I had never seen Pastel, and yet, I called myself an accountant. Two months after completing the programme I was a Pastel lecturer at a TVET [Technical Vocational Education and Training] college because of the confidence and skills that the Work Readiness Programme has given me,” stated Shinyawani-Ngobeni.

Since Fasset’s establishment in 2000, 65 533 learners have been registered on Fasset’s training programmes and 46 459 learners have completed their programmes.

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