Residents call for better security

Residents fed up with crime upgrade security

Residents in Auckland Park – fed-up with crime – now weigh and implement several initiatives to improve security.

During their latest public meeting, residents voted to appoint ADT as the security patrol provider for their neighbourhood.

Auckland Park neighbourhood call for security upgrades.
Photo from APRA facebook

More residents are urged to consider signing up to the security patrol if they do not yet have contracts with them.

Tinus de Jager, the spokesperson for the Auckland Park Residents’ Association (APRA) said the sooner they reach a target of 135 new households, the sooner they will have a security vehicle on 24 hour patrol

At their public meeting, a sub-committee which will liaise with ADT to ensure that they understand the needs of the community, was established.

De Jager said residents will pay R500 per month which includes the standard armed response for their homes and various other services to be detailed in their contract.

He said APRA will also ensure that the security company is delivering the service that they guaranteed at the start of the agreement and meet with them from time to time as and when the need arises.

De Jager said the sub-committee will discuss any outstanding issues and if residents wish to be part of that committee, they should email APRA

He said they urged residents to support the initiative so that they can reach their target quickly.

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