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GALLERY and VIDEO: Police celebrate Heritage Day

NORTHCLIFF – Johannesburg Central Police cluster enjoyed a day celebrating their culture at the Northcliff Country Club.

It was ululations and brightly coloured garments as police members from the eight police stations from the Johannesburg Central cluster celebrated Heritage Day on 22 September at the Northcliff Country Club. Policemen and women dressed in traditional cultural attire to represent the many different cultures present within the police force. Speaker at the event, Captain Yvonne Kloppers from the Sophiatown Police Station said that the event was held to highlight Heritage Day and to celebrate the different cultures.

“We are all part of the rainbow nation and even though we all have different cultures we are united as a big family,” Capt Kloppers said. She urged the police members present to be proud of who they are as members of the police.

Another speaker, Zuzu Alexi said that it was important to celebrate Heritage Day as police members were always under attack. “Although we are different in our culture, race and the languages we speak, we are still unified as South Africans,” she said. Fairland Police spokesperson Constable Michael Kgatla said that they hosted the event to commemorate Heritage Day as there were many different cultures within the police service and that it was a pleasant change for the members who attended.

“Celebrating each other’s cultures shows that we are united through our diversity,” Const Kgatla said. He added that Heritage Day was a day for all South Africans to celebrate – not only their own culture but that of their friends and neighbours as well.

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