VIDEO: Road rage stabbing outside school

Parktown – Blood flowed outside school after a parent was stabbed three times after a road rage incident.

A parent was stabbed on 21 August outside the German School during a road rage incident.

A motorcyclist and another man fought resulting in the man being stabbed three times.

Blood flowed on the Sans Souci Road, after two parents, who crashed into each other, came to blows resulting in the one parent being stabbed.

Eyewitnesses said they saw a bike and a silver Chevrolet bump into each other and, as a result, swearing and a fight ensued. The witnesses further alleged that the motorcyclist pulled out a knife which led to the other man pulling out a tyre iron from his car.

Emergency services attend to a man who was stabbed during a road rage incident after dropping his child off at school in Parkview.

The Chevrolet driver was stabbed three times – once in the chest, back and finger.

Parkview SAPS and Netcare 911 medical services arrived shortly after the incident. Comment from Parktown SAPS is awaited.


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