GALLERY: Empowering needy girls

FAIRLAND – The Social Crime Prevention Coordinators from the Johannesburg cluster handed over sanitary towels to 30 girls at the Oxford Training Centre on 22 July.

That time of the month shouldn’t mean missing school.

In an effort to restore self-worth to girls, the Social Crime Prevention coordinators from the Johannesburg cluster, handed over sanitary towels to 30 girls at Oxford Training Centre in Northcliff.

Speaking at the handover, on 22 July, Sergeant Maggie Mushasha from Fairland Police Station said they saw a need and wanted to fulfill it.

“We are here to extend the spirit of Mandela month by handing over this sanitary towels to the pupils,” she said.

“We started planning this initiative early this year, because we saw a need in the community and started asking for contributions,” added Mushasha.

Mushasha said that they aim to distribute sanitary towels to a number of schools in the Johannesburg area.

“We are committed to helping our girls, because we believe that the girls need us.”

Principal of Oxford Training Centre Julie Tazvivinga said sanitary towels will help young girls to have confidence.

“We are so grateful and humbled, because no one in the community has ever done something like this for us,” said Tazvivinga.

The boys from the centre were also not left out, they were given toiletries.

Shailen Pillay (16), a student at the training centre said “I am very grateful that they also thought about us boys as well, even though today was dedicated to the girls. I believe that some girls in the school really need this sanitary towels so it is amazing.”

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