67 minutes to the elderly

CORONATIONVILLE – Residents at Frederic Place Old Age Home receive much needed help.

On 17 July the residents of Frederic Place Old Age Home were all smiles when Whirlpool came to enjoy Mandela Day with them.

This was part of the company’s 67 minutes of giving back. Whirlpool donated two brand new cooking pots as well as two chest refrigerators. Whirlpool staff members also painted the bathroom and dining room area.

Marketing communications manager Mitchel Marwick said, “We met the home’s general manager, Matron Nokutula Sibiya who told us what they needed.

“We believe in helping those in need and the less fortunate, and we have officially adopted Frederic Place for the next two years because they are in dire need,” he added.

Sibiya, affectionately known as Matron Tuli said, “We feel very blessed, not only did they give us material things but they spent time painting. They also spent time pampering the residents.”

Details: Frederic Place Old Age Home 011 673 3204 or fpdirector@telkomsa.net

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