BREAKING NEWS: Rape at Linden Police Station

LINDEN – Police officer allegedly rapes detainee in holding cell.

A Linden Police officer has been arrested for allegedly raping a 25-year-old detainee at the Linden Police Station. Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) spokesperson Grace Langa revealed on 1 July that a 45-year-old Linden Police officer had allegedly arrested a woman for fraud, and detained her alone in police cells at the Linden Police Station on 28 June. “It is alleged that at around 2am… a police officer went to her cell and raped her,” she said.

“In the morning, the victim managed to explain to one of the police officers about the rape and she was quickly escorted to the clinic for medication and to open a case of rape.” Langa continued that the officer was arrested and appeared in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court on a charge of rape on 30 June, where his bail application was denied. The officer was remanded in custody for a formal bail application on 7 July.

Langa added that the officer allegedly told the woman, “you are going to be my wife”, before allegedly raping her. Langa concluded that IPID would continue its investigation into the matter.

Linden Police spokesperson Captain Alex Vermaak responded that he was surprised to hear about the incident, and the matter is being investigated by IPID so he could not comment further.

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