Q & A on prepaid meters

WESTDENE – City Power answers questions about prepaid meters.

Responding to a query from Westdene resident Liz Thomas, City Power spokesperson Sydney Mphahlele has outlined all the information you need to know about prepaid meters. Below are his answers to Thomas’ questions.

Q: Are smart meters the same as prepaid meters?

A: No. However, smart meters have postpaid and prepaid features in them.

Q: I understand City Power installs prepaid meters for R1 850. In my case would this be three times R1850, one for the main house and one for each of the two sub-units?

A: Prepaid meter installation at City Power costs approximately R2 500 or more depending on the type of a prepaid meter a customer needs, and City Power installs one prepaid meter per stand except for complexes.

Q: Once installed, is the power cheaper than if you pay the City Power bill directly or the same price per unit of power?

A: The power is cheaper because the prepaid system does not include additional charges a postpaid meter will impose, such as service charge and network access charge. With a prepaid meter you only pay what you consume.

Q: I see I can get a private company to install a sub unit for R1 400. They would then use a prepaid voucher. If this is the case, what rate would they be paying? Would I cover the cost of what they are consuming?

A: City Power does not allow its customers to use private companies to install meters for them. City Power customers must get meters installed for them by City Power or by contractors appointed by City Power.

Q: Is City Power planning to roll out prepaid units for free anytime soon?

A: No. Prepaid meters are available on request when customers apply for conversion from postpaid system to prepaid system. However, City Power is rolling out smart meters in certain suburbs in the City of Johannesburg.

Details: City Power 011 375 5555.

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