GALLERY: Food security – a priority for City of Joburg

WESTBURY – Dowling Avenue Primary School feeding scheme gets stability as Nedbank and City of Joburg donate a vegetable tunnel garden.

Nedbank and City of Joburg came together on 13 March to donate a vegetable tunnel to Dowling Avenue Primary School in Westbury, Newclare.The donation was made through Nedbank’s Personal Loans Caring for our Communities programme – the Nedbank team has vowed to help empower five schools in the area. “Food security is a very important issue in South Africa and in schools. One healthy meal at school can help a child focus better,” said Nedbank project co-ordinator Justine Bolton.

“Having the vegetable tunnel can also contribute to the school’s feeding scheme. Some of the children here come from disadvantaged backgrounds and this will encourage them to come to school so that they can be bright and healthy.This initative has taught the children some valuable skills which they can also use at home to grow vegetables for their families,” added Bolton.

The Caring for our Communities programme engages pupils and community members on the basics of sustainability through environmental preservation training. The programme was launched in 2009 and has reached over 6 000 pupils at over 180 schools with more than 50 vegetable tunnel gardens and rainwater harvesting tanks.

Deputy rincipal for Downling Avenue Primary Justice Lekaba said he feels very happy. ”This is also part of education for the children as they can also teach their families to have their own gardens. I am happy that it has also created jobs for two people, who will watch over and maintain the vegetable tunnel,” added Lekaba.

”This programme is the Mayor’s flagship programme.We want the children to also learn about farming and that it could be a career choice for them.We are therefore teaching them at a young age,” said City of Joburg’s Social Development Department representative Zandile Zwane.

Pupil at Downling Avenue Primary School Tyrick Jonker said that the planting was awesome. ”It was my first time planting spinach, it was fun for me and my friends to learn,”said an excited Jonker.

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