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Greymont residents claim back their suburb

GREYMONT– Annual General Meeting highlights and reveals achievements of Greymont Resident's Forum.

What Greymont residents have done and achieved in the past few years is a typical example of how active citizenship can alleviate negative elements in communities.

On Tuesday 10 March the Greymont Resident’s Forum held their annual general meeting to take a look at the past year. Addressing those in attendance, chairperson of the forum Clive Malherbe expressed his sincere gratitude to residents for their contributions that made it possible to turn things around in their suburb. “Just over three years ago, we had a dreadfully looking suburb which had a very poor service delivery record. We had many illegal accommodation residences and many illegal businesses operating in our area, but with your support we have managed to change all that,” said Malherbe.

He highlighted that since the formation of the forum, they have managed to improve and have a good working relationship with Municipal Owned Entities (MOE) within the City of Johannesburg.

“This relationship has really improved service delivery in our suburb,”added Malherbe.

With this said, the forum named Pikitup their star-performer for the 2013/2014 financial year. “Pikitup really came to the party and they always attend to our calls and queries promptly,” explained Malherbe.

Other municipal entities that made it to the good books of this forum is City Power, City Parks and Joburg Water. He went on, “We now have sufficient and adequate lighting on our streets, sewage problems and burst water pipes are also attended to on time.” He also applauded City Parks for regular maintenance of parks in their suburb.

Proving their dedication to maintain the standard of their suburb, the forum has also appointed a full-time general worker who does daily maintenance accross the suburb. His stipend is paid by the dedicated residents who make continuous donations to the forum.

Closing the meeting, the new committee was announced and Malherbe wished the new committee and chairperson all the best.

Details: www.greymont.co.za

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