Roosevelt High shines at open day

ROOSEVELT PARK – Roosevelt High School recently showcased their facilities to prospective pupils and their parents.

Prospective pupils and parents were recently treated to an extensive tour of Roosevelt High School during their open day on 28 February.

A large number of visitors were greeted by prefects at the school’s newly-renovated main entrance.

A number of these guided tours were provided to visitors through the school’s classrooms, sporting grounds, and kitchen facilities. Other pupils from the high school were also encouraged to participate in the promotion of the school’s facilities during open day.

Roosevelt High School principal Willie De Wet was excited that the school had the opportunity to receive new pupils and parents for the day.

“Open days are always very important days for us. We try our best to showcase what the school has to offer to new pupils,” he said.

Deputy principal Henk Ferreira was also very pleased with how the proceedings went.

“The organisation of the open day went swimmingly. The school managed to attract a large number of wonderful families interested in sending their children to the school,” he said.

Ferreira also pointed out that their policies surrounding discipline and bullying were some of the most popular questions asked by parents.

“Our approach to discipline and bullying in school is a very big deal for us. Parents want to be reassured that they are sending their child to a place that is safe and secure,” he said.

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