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International Anti-Corruption Day celebrated by song

JOHANNESBURG – Executive Director of Corruption Watch says if the youth offer or condone bribes they are part of the problem.

The 9th of December is coined as International Anti-Corruption Day and its a day that Corruption Watch takes very serious.

The company chose to use a song called Hayi Basile that means ‘They are wicked’ to help raise awareness of the day. According to Executive Director of Corruption Watch, David Lewis the song was written by South African artist Fiesta Black.

“Fiesta Black, like many other young South Africans, has experienced the effects of corruption and seen how people so easily get away with illegal actions. Having decided to collaborate with Corruption Watch on this song, she’s using her creativity to voice the frustrations of so many young people who feel powerless in their own country,’ said Lewis

“We could not turn down the opportunity to work with Black; she is a wonderful new fresh talent in the South African music scene and we think she has the profile to reach young peole and to create a bit of a stir.”

Lewis explained that the organisation intentionally decided to use the song to expose corruption. “It was informed in part by the results of a survey we conducted with young people earlier this year, many of whom said that the best way to involve the youth in an anti-corruption campaign would be through music, art or theatre. And it takes us that much closer to our goal of trying to build a culture of activism among the youth in fighting corruption.”

The lyrics tell a story of those in powerful positions who lead lavish lifestyles at the expense of others and it explains how ordinary everyday people have to suffer while this is happening.

“The song also carries a message to the youth that if you condone or offer bribes, you are part of the problem, ‘just as wicked as them’. And the song will be available on our website (www.corruptionwatch.org.za) and can be downloaded as an MP3 file,” concluded Lewis.

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