Dollar Table owner allegedly beats man

MELVILLE – Sydney Moshapo denies allegations of beating a homeless man in Melville.

Dollar Table bar owner Sydney Moshapo allegedly walloped a homeless man (David Khumalo) on 4th street in Melville on 28 November.

According to Khumalo, the disliked businessman gave him a beating after her asked if he killed Thulane Popoyi.

“I saw him coming out of the bar on Friday at around 4am. I recognise him and because I heard what happened I just asked him if he is the one that killed that guy and he got very angry.

He went back into the bar and came out with something; I’m not sure what but he hit me hard on my head with it. I fell down on the ground and he stamped and kicked me as hard as he could,” retold Khumalo.

Khumalo added that he was left hurt and had to go to Helen Joseph Hospital for treatment.

“I was admitted at the hospital for three days and I don’t know how I will pay the bills because I don’t have money,” he said.

Khumalo subsequently opened a case with the Brixton Police and they are looking into the matter.

When Moshapo was approach for comment he acted surprised and insinuated the incident never occurred.

“Why do these people talk so much s… about me; what do they want from me.[ Are there] any witnesses who saw this…”

The seemingly irritated Moshapo added, “I am no longer in Melville; I think people should move on; I did. What will be the motive, do you believe I can walk and beat anybody I see?” he rhetorically asked before informing that he will contact his lawyer.

Resident Louise Daneel said Khumalo is a good man.

“He would have never started a fight. He might have said something silly but he will never be physical,” she said.

“This man (Moshapo) should be in jail; somebody should be paying for his (Khumalo’s) hospital bills. All of us in Melville should get together to make sure this man is out of here.”

Moshapo is disliked in the community because a beloved rugby player Thulane Popoyi was hacked to death in his bar on 7th street in Melville on 5 October.

Moshapo was arrested in connection with the murder and released on bail.

He has since allegedly opened another bar on 4th street in Melville where Khumalo alleges he was attacked.

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