Melville Business Association rises against crime

MELVILLE – Melville Business Association encourages all business to get involved in improving security in the area.

Melville Business Association (MBA) held a major security meeting on 30 October at Catz Pyjamas, to address security issues in the suburb.

The meeting was held in honour of [Thulane Popoyi, who was hacked to death at Dollar Table Bar] on 7th Street on 5 October.

According to chairman of the MBA Clyde Terry, “Additional steps need to be taken to deal with crime in the area.”

Terry believes that with the commitment of all stakeholders in the area and working with a security company like CSS Tactical, a crime-free Melville is achievable.

“Key to the success of our security initiative is the involvement of all businesses in the area that need to sign up to the initiative.

To be fully effective and able to afford the security infrastructure such as additional camera zones, armed response and foot patrols on busy nights, all businesses need to be on board,” he said.

Currently there are 61 signed up members.

Terry appealed to all businesses in Melville to become pro-active and join the challenge to make Melville a crime-free suburb. “The key to a safe and well-monitored suburb lies in rolling out an effective and ongoing security strategy. Cameras are a great deterrent. One only has to see how effective they are in countries like the UK – and together with foot patrols which immediately make visitors to our famous 7th Street feel safe,” he said.

According to Terry, Melville can become one of Johannesburg’s most vibrant and safest suburbs,“The Melville Business Association wants to create a safe and welcoming Melville – which is one of the original suburbs of Johannesburg – that both residents and businesses can be proud of.”

Ricky Crook of CSS Tactical assured attendees that the security problem in the Melville business area was manageable and the matter of squatters and car guards was being addressed. “To achieve long-term security success and root out all crime, there needs to be a sustained programme of patrolling and control. All too often, these suburban initiatives are introduced for a couple of months and then, due to lack of support and commitment, are suddenly terminated in the belief that the problem has gone away,” he said.

To show his commitment to the MBA security initiative, Crook undertook to donate R50 per month for every business joining the initiative and using those funds, either annually or monthly, to keep Melville clean or to uplift different areas of Melville.

To get involved see details below.

Details: Johan Cronje or 011 482 4259.

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