
Three more men bow out of the ‘Big Brother’ house

LINDEN – Luis', Kacey Moore's and Arthur's journey in the Big Brother House ends here.

Testosterone levels in the Linden-based Big Brother house have diminished threefold after Luis (Namibia), Kacey Moore (Ghana) and Arthur (Rwanda) were voted out on 2 November.

It seems Alusa, who was voted out last week, broke the seal as the first male housemate to be booted out the competition.

The trio’s time in the house came to a screeching halt when presenter IK announced that it was a triple eviction.

However, Luis, Kacey and Arthur conceded that it was time for them to leave.

“It has been an amazing experience and platform. I actually expected to be voted out the first week based on Namibia winning last year, because I thought Africa wants to give other countries a chance. Staying there for a month was quite an accomplishment for me, I felt like wow, I’m really proud of myself,” said Luis.

The professional model, TV and radio presenter explored his artistic side while in the house, and making music seemed to have captured his heart, along with former Mozambican housemate Mira – who inspired a love song out of him.

The 23-year-old will most likely be remembered for wearing his heart on his sleeve, and proclaiming his affection for Mira, for all of Africa to see.

Luis is undeniably willing to pursue a relationship with Mira, who was evicted in the first week.

On the topic of relationships, Ghanaian lad Kacey Moore developed a special bond with Ugandan housemate Ellah.

Married Kacey said the relationship was in no way romantic.

“I don’t think I can describe it because it’s all in my head an all in my heart,” said Kacey.

However, after viewing pictures of scenes from the house, Kacey said he doesn’t blame Africa for having an impression different to his.

Kacey said his relationship with Ellah was purely platonic.

Asked how his wife reacted to the two housemates’ bond, Kacey said, “We spent the night together and there was a lot of [screaming]. But we have been married for close to four years, so this is nothing compared to what we have been through. I am an artist, I perform every weekend and I deal with this every day. But she knows me, she knows I won’t do anything,” he professed.

Multi-talented Arthur, who represented first-time participant Rwanda, describes himself as an established artist and said he made it a point to showcase his talents in the house, with the aim of creating a lasting mark in people’s minds.

“I intentionally didn’t cause any scandals because I don’t want people to remember me for that. When you go out without the money they (viewers) don’t remember your scandals. But if you create your own thing and they see that you are the multitalented guy, they can then follow you, and that’s why I invested my talents in Big Brother so that I can use it when I get out of the house,” said the comedian, who also discovered that he has song-writing abilities.

Arthur said he hasn’t seen who nominated him for possible eviction, but he knows that he was among the nominees because people were threatened by what he could possibly do if he stayed.

Nevertheless, the former housemates are ready to explore what awaits them outside Big Brother.

Kacey Moore is set to release a new track titled Oscar Victorious, Arthur is scheduled to perform a one-man show in his home country, and Luis is ready to elevate Namibia’s TV and radio industry.

Catch Big Brother Hotshots on DSTV channels 197 and 198.

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