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Good luck to all students

JOBURG – It is exam time again and the pressure is on.

It is exam time again and I feel like a salmon swimming upstream against the current.

Having a full-time and rather demanding job, it is not easy to make time for myself – let

alone to squeeze in five subjects per semester. And when exam

time comes around, the pressure is on. This usually also happens during the busiest times at work and toward the end of the year when most people are exhausted. Pushing through and achieving the best results sometimes seems impossible.

But it can be done. At the moment it may not feel that way but trust me, when you look back you will realise you are a lot stronger than you think.

Speaking from experience, my advice to all students and pupils who are currently writing exams is to stay calm and remember, you can only try your best. And I am sure if you have worked hard, studied hard and tried your utmost best, you will achieve good results.

For the matrics, I urge you to give it your best and try your hardest. These results will determine many important decisions in your future and will enable you to fulfil your dreams if you do well.

To everyone writing in the coming weeks, I wish you well

and the best of luck with your studies.

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