The art of branding through fashion

NORTHCLIFF– Morrell's Boutique Estate hosted a branding talk were guests were educated on how to build personal and company brands especially through body appearance.

Picto Busby launched their latest corporate clothing brand and range, Boardroom Boutique, at an intimate Own Your Brand-themed event attended by brand managers and media at Morrell’s Boutique Estate on 23 October.

Guests were welcomed by sparkling wine, flavour-infused waters and canapés as they entered the French Provençal inspired vintage venue.

The event provided guests the opportunity to personally be introduced to the Boardroom Boutique brand and range through a series of brand-related talks, focusing on why owning your brand – be it through corporate attire or personality – is such an essential thing.

“It is important to set yourself apart from the rest,” said Natasha Henning of Brand Navigator.

According to Henning, branding is the art of differentiation. Both personal and company brands need to provide something different to build credible brands.

“What supports the brand is the people. Know who you are and why you do what you do,” she said.

Henning further added that it is of paramount importance to determine one’s standard of excellence and believe you are a game changer.

Image consultant Chantal van Tonder gave a talk on the importance of “looks” in building brands.

“It is important to look good,” she said, speaking to a room full of leading women.

“When building a brand, you have to dress in a way that people will take you seriously and believe what you say,” she said.

Van Tonder went on to talk about the importance of wearing the right make up, the right shoes and, most importantly, red lipstick when building a brand.

“Red lipstick makes you feel and look confident…also wear closed shoes and always dress to impress,” she said.

South African designer Ramona Afonso, who has showcased at numerous South African fashion week events, was in attendance, showcasing some of her corporate clothing designs.

Master of ceremony for the day Dean Oelschig, founder of Halo Advertising and advocate of creative solutions for brands, set the tone for the event and provided great insight into the power of innovative branding and truly owning your brand.

“Most strong brands are problem solvers and to create a powerful brand you must be a problem solver,” he said.

Following the insightful speakers, guests were treated to an acoustic and intimate performance by Louise Carver, who was the honourable entertainer.

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