All-weekend party at the farm

GREYMONT - Meeting Bruce Fordyce, leaping on jumping castles, briks morning running, shopping and saving the dam - all in one weekend's work for residents of Greymont.

It was a busy weekend at Albert’s Farm in Greymont.

Albert’s Farm’s inaugural Parkrun kicked off on Saturday 30 August with an introduction by Comrades-legend Bruce Fordyce and a brisk run. Short on the Parkrun’s heels was the park’s Spring Fair on 31 August.

It was a chilly morning but over 200 runners lined up on Saturday to run the 5km course through the park. Albert’s Farm Run director Mike Tippett welcomed the runners, followed by Fordyce’s introduction. The great athlete took his turn running too.

“It was great,” Greymont resident Martijn Vreugde said.

“Some great times were set, but for us normal folk the spirit of the Parkrun was just to have fun and beat our own times.”

Attendees of Sunday’s Spring Fair weren’t deterred by the nippy morning weather either.

Kids bounced on the jumping castle, serenaded by live music from Monique de Villiers. The Spring Fair, an initiative by Nina Venjakob and the Friends of Alberts’s Farm, was held to raise money to save the deteriorating Albert’s Farm Dam. Attendees perusing the 30 stalls and participating in the raffle draw palmed in roughly R4650 towards the cause.

They still need donations to save the dam though. To help out, go to

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