Don’t let the weather get you down

JOBURG - I have made it my goal to be kind to people, smile in the traffic and say 'thank you' more often. No matter how bad you think your situation is, remember there is always someone else who has less than you.

The chilly winter weather has been getting me down.

Getting out of my warm bed in the morning has been a struggle and seasonal depression has set in. I will admit I have been a grumpy little brat lately.

The other day I stopped at a petrol station to fill up, it was so cold and I was irritated that the petrol attendant was taking so long. But then I thought, I am in my warm car and he is out there in the freezing cold wind doing his job with a smile on his face, who am I to get irritated?

I actually felt embarrassed by my behaviour and right then and there, I decided I need to change my attitude. I am determined to be more positive and thankful for the things I have. There are so many people who do not have warm clothes, a comfy bed and electricity to keep the winter chill out.

I have made it my goal to be kind to people, smile in the traffic and say ‘thank you’ more often. No matter how bad you think your situation is, remember there is always someone else who has less than you.

There is nothing nicer than being greeted with a smile, it lifts your spirits and makes the rest of the day bearable. So next time you feel a little sad and irritated, I challenge you to turn that frown upside down.

Not only will you be making someone else’s day better, I promise you will feel instantly happy and nothing will get you down.

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