Houserobbers caught in the act

ROOSEVELT PARK- Three thieves caught and arrested in a robbery attempt in Roosevelt Park.

In a joint operation, ADT and Linden Neighbourhood Watch (LNW) successfully arrested three suspects in Roosevelt Park on 11 June.

The suspects climbed over the wall of a property in Peter Wenning Street at 12pm. Using a crowbar, they attempted to break into the main house and in the process activated the alarm. ADT reaction officer Elvis Lota and members of LNW responded to the alarm activation.

On arrival at the scene, they spotted the suspects still inside the property and apprehended all three of them.

Linden police were contacted and the suspects handed over. The vehicle the suspects were driving, a black VW Polo, was also seized by the police.

According to the home owner, nothing was stolen from the premises – thanks to the quick response by ADT and LNW.

Clive Humphrey, managing director of ADT Central Region, congratulates Officer Lota on the apprehension of these suspects and thanks LNW for their support.

“ADT has a strong relationship with LNW and we work side by side to tackle crime in the greater Linden area. These arrests are a great win for us,” Humphrey commented.

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