A lesson from experience

RANDBURG – Teachers must be older than their pupils.

Young people need to be guided by the advice of people older, who have more experience in life and demonstrate morals and life skills.

This is according to the two instructors who responded to a question from Randburg Sun following a drug talk at Robin Hills Primary School on 15 May.

At the talk, Life Skills Academy CEO Danie van Rensburg drew a black line with a few turns on a white board, which pupil Timothy Langa (12) had to draw over, blindfolded, with a red marker.

Not being able to see, Langa could not follow the line.

However, when Langa tried again, this time with van Rensburg’s oral guidance, he followed almost perfectly.

Van Rensburg said that this symbolises how young people often cannot see the direction their lives are headed, and finish in an undesired place.

But older people, who have walked the journey before, can guide the blind younger pupils toward the preferred destination.

The question arose: why are teachers older than their pupils/students?

Geraldine Rielly, owner of The Appleseed Nursery School, Cresta, said, “Older people have more life experience. They know the difference between right and wrong and have more patience.”

Prof. Louis Grundlingh of the University of Johannesburg Historical Studies Department concurred.

“Older people are better equipped to teach, not just because of the content [they know] but they also convey life skills for pupils to learn,” he said.

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