Pupil represents South Africa abroad

NORTHCLIFF- Carmen reminisces about her trip representing South Africa at the People to People World Leadership Forum.

Carmen van der Westhuizen (14) of Helpmekaar College recently returned from an overseas trip representing South African pupils at the People to People World Leadership Forum.

“I now understand the importance of loving who you are, because we were taught how to be respectful, responsible, be leaders, citizenship, fairness and numerous aspects about how to be a leader ,” Carmen said.

“The programme was well set because we all came back different people.”

This trip was not only beneficial to Carmen but to her father Willem van der Westhuizen as well.

“It was a wonderful experience,” Willem said.

“I got more than I expected from the trip, it was the most amazing experience that has changed my life forever,”asserted Carmen.

In addition to the various activities and learning projects, Carmen came back with a vision to honour people such as Nelson Mandela that had a positive impact in changing South Africa.

“The way Americans honour their heroes makes us want to take up numerous responsibilities that also change the world,”

The Northcliff resident had a chance to experience different cultures and foods during her trip.

So, it turns out there is actually some truth in the stories that go around, claiming that some people overseas think that Africans stay with animals every day in their homes. Remember the movie The Gods must be crazy? – with people living in the Bundu and able to understand animal languages (or at-least they seemed to)Yes, that kind of lifestyle.

“Some of them [pupils] asked if I see elephants when I wake up in the morning,” Carmen said cracking up with laughter.

Carmen ensured that she changed the other pupils’ perspectives by giving them a true South African experience.

“I told them a lot about South Africa and when they saw my money and Nelson Mandela on it, they enjoyed and learned a couple of things.”

One of Carmen’s memorable moments was the taste of the American coffee.

“I remember the amazing Starbucks coffee that I had. It was so amazing.”

According to Carmen, the trips helped her experience and understand how diverse people are.

“The people abroad are different, especially the way they talk. They thought that I had an accent, but I thought it was the other way round,” she said with a laugh.

“The people I met were very proud of their roots and were they come from,” she added.

Subsequent to the trip, Carmen has been applauded by her school and teachers.

“Everyone was happy for me and my other friends wished that they had come with me,” she said.

Carmen and Willem both returned home with the zeal to create a better society through respecting one another and doing the best they can for a better South Africa.

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