Reduce the effects of climate change

JOBURG - Harry the Hominid offers tips on how to reduce the effects of climate change in your own small way.

The recent massive floods throughout South Africa are some of the climate change effects caused by human activities.

According to Maropeng’s spokeshominid Harry the Hominid, there are too many gasses collecting in the atmosphere and trapping heat against the surface of the earth.

These gasses, he argues, have caused the earth’s temperature to rise day by day causing global warming.

“The result is climate change, with a number of nasty effects on earth like big storms and hurricanes, heat waves, bad droughts and massive floods. So all in all global warming is not a good thing and threatens our way of life,” Harry explained.

That’s why we need to understand how our own activities cause these gasses to be produced.

“The exhaust fumes from travelling by car are greenhouse gasses. Gas, coal wood and electricity all burn fuel that causes smoke and gasses too,” Harry added.

Harry offers the following tips to help reduce the effects of climate change:

Details: Maropeng Marketing and Communications Manager Lindsey Marshall 014 577 9000

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