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Angry protests in Slovo Park

BRIXTON - Informal settlement residents protest for real houses

Residents of Slovo Park informal settlement took to the streets of Brixton in demand of solid housing and infrastructure on 1 October.

The residents expressed their frustration at what they call a lack of service delivery by blocking Portland Avenue with bricks and tree branches, setting some on fire.

Resident Gabogope Mokoloko said they were tired of empty promises and have resorted to protesting to express their displeasure and to solicit service delivery.

“We are here because we want houses,” said Mokoloko. “They have been lying to us and promising us houses and nothing has been done yet, so that’s why we decided to close the road in protest.”

Mokoloko has been a resident of Slovo Park for 17 years.

Another resident, Peter Tlhoratlong, said he has been voting for the ANC for years and yet no change has taken place. “I have been voting since 1994 but I still live in a place like this,” said Tlhoratlong. “They are not going to get my vote this time because nothing has changed for me.”

Susan Moemeleng is appalled by the conditions she and her fellows are living in, with minimal toilet facilities for more than 5000 residents.

“There are only 40 toilets for over 5000 people and most of them do not function at all,” said Moemeleng.

“I have to clean the toilet before using it, and what is worse is that these toilets don’t even have doors. Am I, as a woman, supposed to use this toilet without a door while a man is using the opposite toilet facing me?”

The protesters were calling for MMC for housing, Daniel Bovu, to address them publicly and explain why he has not commenced with the construction of the houses.

According to a March media release by ward 68 councillor, Lynnete Pretorius, the Slovo Park housing project that was scheduled to begin in 2012 has been postponed to November 2013.

“It was promised that the project would start in September 2012, however, this has now been pushed to November 2013.”

After being disbanded by the police with teargas, the angry protesters threatened to burn down a nearby school and retreated to Slovo Park, promising to return soon.

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