GALLERY: Record-breaking sandwich making

VICTORY PARK – King David schools and members of the community set out to break a record and help the needy.

Around 3 000 people gathered at King David Victory Park High School to break a Guinness World Record and to celebrate the day of Israel’s declaration of independence, 68 years ago.

Parents and volunteers were busy from early in the morning on 12 May to prepare 52 tables for the giant task ahead. King David Victory Park, Linksfield, Sandton, other schools, corporate organisations, parents and community members aimed to break the record of the most peanut butter and jam sandwiches made in an hour. The record sat at 26 717 sandwiches, whereby King David’s aim was to make between 30 000 to 32 000.

Although unconfirmed due to the time taken to count and record the number of sandwiches made, it is estimated that the record was broken, based on the amount of bread used.

The regulations on the day were very strict to qualify under Guinness Record’s requirements. Health inspectors were on site and every individual making sandwiches had to wear gloves and hairnets.

Rabbi Ricky Seeff, headmaster of King David Victory Park Primary, explained that according to Guinness’s stipulations, there could be no production lines, everyone had to make their own sandwich. Jam and peanut butter needed to be on each sandwich and the crusts of the bread had to be aligned. Before sounding a horn that would commence the hour, Seeff said, “Take your time, relax and have fun. We have more than enough people to break the record.”

One of the guest speakers, Dr Warren Goldstein, chief rabbi of The Union of Orthodox Synagogues, added that sandwiches are symbolic of being not only good on the outside but also sweet and full of love on the inside like jam in a sandwich.

With the help of FeedSA, a non-profit organisation that establishes feeding schemes in townships, the sandwiches will be distributed to causes around Johannesburg.

After the sandwich making, everyone was invited to a ceremony, which included dances and flag parade processions, to celebrate Israel’s recognition as an independent state.

This was followed by a mini carnival, where children had lots of fun playing on jumping castles, while the King David Youth Band entertained the crowds.

Details: King David Victory Park High School, 011 446 7860

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