Ballerinas and best friends on their way to Cape Town

FAIRLAND – Three young ballerinas are on their way to the fifth SAIBC in Cape Town.

Three, young, talented ballerinas from the Jozi Youth Dance Company and Lesley Angove school of Dancing, in Fairland, will be joining around 50 other dancers in the upcoming South African International Ballet Competition in Cape Town from 22 to 28 February.

Somer February (15), Emma Solomon (16) and Chiara Lloyd (14) explained that they were chosen to participate when the SAIBC scouted for young talent last year. The girls mentioned that they have been dancing since the age of three and will be competing in ballet as well as contemporary dance at the competition.

February competed in Romania in 2015 in the World Cup Dance Competition where she won national colours. “Dance is a way to express ourselves,” said February. It is a sentiment that Solomon shares too.

“I create my own little bubble when I dance. In this bubble I can be vulnerable, I can be myself,” said Lloyd.

The three dancers agreed that they would not be able to do this without support. “We are each others biggest support. Even though we are competing against each other, we are best friends,” said Solomon. February added that if one of them wins a competition, it is like the other two has won as well. They agreed that their teacher Jayd Swart is a big support too. “She always tells us to push our passion,” said Lloyd.

The ballerinas are able to handle their busy schedules, as all of them are attending normal high school and still practise for about four to five hours a day. Even though they are young they agree that one can achieve anything if one puts their mind to it. “You have to start somewhere and remember that you will not be an amazing dancer from the start, but with continued hard work, the results will be amazing,” said Lloyd.

February concluded that one should never doubt oneself, but rather push oneself to the extreme.

Details: Jozi Youth Dance Company, 076 213 8867.

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