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67 minutes of doing good with Holy Cross College

De La Salle Holy Cross College shares all the Mandela Day initiatives they took part in.

‘When it comes from the heart, doing good is always worthwhile.’ These were the sentiments expressed by one De La Salle Holy Cross College learner who, with other learners, spent some time at Eventide Home for the Aged for the school’s 67 minutes for Mandela Day initiative.

Read more: Hotel Hope wrapped in love by 67 Blankets for Mandela

The Emmarentia-based home is run by the Salvation Army, and cares for 36 residents. It also boasts a dedicated team of five staff members, and is overseen by a major who serves as the overall manager. “We had a wonderful time serving tea treats and socializing with the residents. The highlight of our visit was a bingo game organized by our students. It was an unforgettable 67 minutes,” said Nyasha Musimwa, a teacher and head of outreach at the school.

Also read: Elderly wrapped in love as 67 Blankets donates handmade blankets to Eeufees Oord

The junior school made soup kits, made sandwiches, and knitted, while the high school knitted for Care Squares, made sandwiches, packaged pasta for St Vincent De Paul, helped with stem cell donation registrations, as well as organ donor registrations, and went to Princess Alice Adoption Home. They also visited Linden Police Station, did a spruit clean up, made fleece blankets, and visited Elm Park Retirement Village.

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