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Local resident delivers breakup Valentine’s Day gifts to mayor

Foul water, dead flowers and a horrible card handed over to highlight the plight of residents.

Dr Ferial Adam, executive manager at WaterCAN and Emmarentia resident sent a breakup letter to the mayor this Valentine’s Day.

In an imaginative but highly symbolic move, the mayor received an unexpected Valentine’s Day gift this year from two ladies who are working tirelessly to improve the lives of Johannesburg’s (and the nation’s) residents.

Julia Fish from JoburgCAN and Dr Ferrial Adam whose organisations both fall under Outa delivered some horrible gifts to the city’s first citizen, Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda.

Wilted flowers, contaminated jars of water, and a breakup letter were lovingly prepared and delivered by activist cupids to those who have a role to play in improving water quality.

Adam says, “The idea behind the Valentine’s Day gifts for the mayor came about by trying to build awareness about the state of our rivers and streams across the country in a fun way because news is often so heavy.”

The break-up Valentines Day card given to the mayor.
The break-up Valentine’s Day card was given to the mayor.

She says, “Everyone makes a big deal about Valentine’s Day, so we decided to use it to break up with the mayor. The break-up card read in part, ‘Roses are red, violets are blue – our rivers should not be full of poo’.”

As expected, Gwamanda did not come down to receive his gifts.

“We went to the Sappi building in Braamfontein where the mayor’s office is currently operating but we had to drive around a bit to find it because the fire at the old premises meant they move around a bit. We asked to go to the eighth floor to deliver the flowers and were asked to sign in. After about 10 minutes we were told we could not go up and a lady came down to collect the flowers on behalf of the mayor, who is the assistant to the chief of staff. “

Adam says they knew he was in the building but in a meeting. “We were told we would receive an acknowledgement from the mayor but had not received one at the time.”

“The state of our rivers and streams with sewerage pollution must stop at someone’s door. Someone must be held responsible. In this regard, we are saying it is the mayor who should be responsible for the environment and the state of water.”

She says the dead flowers represent dying ecosystems and dirty water that is not safe to drink. “While these were symbolic gifts given in gest, the issue is real.”

Other mayors from the City of Cape Town, Emfuleni Local Municipality, Dipaleseng Municipality, and eThekwini Municipality were also gifted the symbolic packages.

Related article: GALLERY: Valentines for everyone

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