
Johannesburg Property Company’s shocking signage

Unlike City Parks signs which make information about the property clear with information on who to call if an incident occurs and clearly states who owns the land, the JPC signage lacks professionalism.

The notorious JPC 1 and 2 properties in Fairland were fenced off by community organisations concerned about criminals using the space for nefarious reasons.

Owned by the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC), they installed 18 signs along the property in a bid to prevent unauthorised entry to the space unless prior permission was granted.

The quality and layout of the signage though raised concerns and rumours were quick to begin about illegal tenders being granted by JPC, including queries about the seemingly shoddy workmanship in their installation.

Ward 98 councillor Beverley Jacobs wrote to the mayor saying, “Private stakeholders requested signage for the property, stating that trespassers will be prosecuted. This was a reasonable request considering the resources, time and effort put into the cleaning up of this facility by stakeholders.”

She questioned whether the sign had been approved, how much they cost, why JPC was not identified as the owner of the land and if the contractor who carried out the work had been paid.

In response to questions posed Lucky Sindane, spokesperson for JPC said, “After the signs were erected the project manager went on site to conduct an inspection and she noticed that the wording on the signs had an error. The service provider was made aware of the error and it was fixed.”

He said the service provider was given the correct wording for the signs. “It was an error from the service provider which was rectified within 24 hours.”

When asked about a possible tender he flatly denied this. “No, tenders are only for procurements over R200 000. Therefore, this was a request for quotations (RFQ) which was advertised on the JPC website for seven days.”

The signs will not be replaced and Jacobs awaits a response from the mayor to her questions, including the costs of the project.

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