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Author beats the odds

Losing weight inspired her to write her first book to encourage those who are going through the same weight loss journey.

Mart-Mari Breedt, a software engineer and mother of four, turned lemons into lemonade when she wrote two books as she battled with weight loss.

Breedt was faced with a terrifying dilemma of how she would maintain her significant weight loss after having spent her entire life as a bigger person.

That is when she wrote her first book called, Eighty Kilos of Shame – The process of losing emotional weight. The book is about how she lost 80kg and tried to figure out how to maintain such a massive weight loss.

Mart-Mari Breedt`s first published book.
Mart-Mari Breedt`s first published book.

“I decided to write my first book because someone watched my video on Emotional Eating, contacted me and believed in me, my writing, and my message, and insisted that I should at least try to do it,” said Breedt.

“This book is about the process of losing my emotional weight, which I believe is very important to look at for sustainable weight loss. So often people try to solve their weight, but the weight is merely a symptom of a bigger problem,” she added.

The author began blogging about her maintenance struggles after refusing to concede defeat and realising she could not spend the rest of her life being obsessed with her scale. This blog post eventually evolved into an introspective journey. She dug deep during the process and faced long-buried emotions. She eventually discovered her authentic self, who had been hiding behind 80kg of shame.

Mart-Mari Breedt`s second published book.
Mart-Mari Breedt`s second published book.

Her second book is called My First Marathon Training – 80kg down, a marathon to go. This book is a diary of daily entries over 100 days leading up to running her first marathon. In this book, she shares her experiences and challenges in preparing for her debut marathon. She ran her first marathon in 2022.

Her perspective is that of someone who is an extremely unlikely marathon runner, used to weigh 165kg, and is still just starting at running she says.

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