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Why helping others can bring you joy

Find out why local youth Munashe Mbaimbai thinks it's important for you to help others lovingly.

Munashe Mbaimbai writes:

Helping and giving to those in need feels good. In life, I have learnt that the more you give, the more you receive.

Before being part of the Northcliff-based Growing Champions, I grew up in an area of Tembisa where people were struggling to survive because of hunger and lack of shelter. Living with these challenges day and night, never being able to escape them, taught me that giving the little you have can have a very important impact on the lives of others.

I learnt the trick is to give it with all your heart. I believe we will be much happier and able to laugh and enjoy life, if we are not people who ignore those in need and help when we have something to give. You can make new friends and have connections with people through giving too. You’ll be surprised, I realised that even though I seem to be the one giving, I’m the one feeling stronger, happier and richer, each time.

We smile when we see others smile, it just happens. When we connect with others we learn so much because we grow. As my Growing Champions coach Sam Toweel-Moore says, ‘You couldn’t stop your body physically growing, why do you want to stop your minutes? Growth is a sign of life. Live.’ Joining the organisation was a gift to me. I was a person who never liked teamwork, not knowing that teamwork makes the dream work.

Many people who I play football with at this club, such as Casey, Tafuma, Patrice and Clarence helped me to get rid of my weakness. They encouraged me and worked with me on my speed. They taught me that you never ignore your weaknesses; you get rid of them.

If a person has a weakness, please help if you can; this will make our world a better place to live in. When we give and help others, we gain respect, confidence and happiness. On April 30, my Growing Champions coaches are running the Township Marathon to raise money to buy beanies and blankets for the little children in Kliptown. Why? Because we believe that everyone should be wrapped in the happiness and warmth love brings.

Please try to give and help those who are in need because the next day, it might be you in need of help. I won’t stop doing my part to help, and I hope to meet you on my way. Let’s make the world a better place to live in. I hope today you will be a hand of help to someone, and in return, you will be the one receiving kindness too.

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