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Strokes of genius with Leigh

Local swimmer shares on why loves swimming so much and what she hopes to do with her talent.

The swimming pool, to some, its size can look intimidating but to others such as Leigh McMorran it is home.

The swimmer, who has won many accolades, shares her love for this sport and what the future holds for her.

Leigh McMorran is excited to see what the future holds for her through her swimming.

Here is what she had to say…

I love swimming, I have been swimming since I was four years old, so it has been part of my life for the past 14 years. My swimming journey started with me just wanting to learn how to swim and know all the safety techniques. Through the process, I ended up loving it.

Through the sport, I have adopted a lot of skills such as time management, resilience and other traits. It has also taught me how to efficiently stick to a schedule and plan. Before I started working, my days would include an early morning training session, and a gym and evening session. Now, I train in the mornings and the afternoons at the gym and then I go to work.

Leigh McMorran gets ready for a practice swim.

Next year I want to go to the Olympics but I also plan to study abroad, and there I will study sports science. Right now, I have two options that include the University of Alabama but the University of Texas is my main goal.

ALSO READ: 12 Home swimming pool safety advice for all parents

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