
Miss SA Wits graduation sparks debate of special treatment

BRAAMFONTEIN – Wits promises graduates that they will be able to participate in a stage-crossing ceremony as soon as the coronavirus pandemic is over.

SRC and former students condemn preferential treatment given to Miss SA.

Wits University has come under fire after it was viewed that current Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida was allowed to do what any others could not over the last year and a half due to Covid-19 – walk the stage of Wits Great Hall in their cap and gown for her graduation.

On July 20, Musida was awarded her Bachelor of Arts Honour’s degree but was able to experience pre-Covid graduation when other students could only opt for virtual graduation.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) of the university accused the institution of bending the rules for Musida. In a tweet, they stated, “As the SRC, we condemn the behaviour of the university to treat some students more equal than others. Every student was equally assessed and charged fees for their degree. Every student deserves to make it to the great hall. We are against double standards.” (

This was a position held by many as former and current students of the university shared their displeasure of the unfairness.

Miss SA Musida, who had graduated virtual earlier in the day, explained that she was given the chance to walk the stage after an interview with Wits vice-chancellor Professor Zeblon Vilakazi. She said that she attended the interview in her graduation attire. The circumstances have divided people commenting on the matter, but many still hold that it was a case of preferential treatment.

In addition to this, the university claims it had challenges with showing the names of graduating students during the virtual ceremony, once again leaving many to feel left out on one of the most important days of their lives. Wits stated that a technical error was responsible for the names of the July 2021 graduates not scrolling up at the end of the faculty graduation videos. They apologised for the error and stated they would upload the video as soon as possible. Wits also reassured graduates that they will be able to participate in a stage-crossing ceremony as soon as the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

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