How to make the best of extra matric teaching time

JOBURG – Even though most Matrics in South Africa won’t be writing their mid-year exams, anyone can still set up their own mock exams – alone or with friends.

The matric mid-year exams normally provide a valuable opportunity for Grade 12s to get in the right frame of mind for their all-important final exams later in the year, and for them to get a good idea of how far they’ve come and how much ground still needs to be covered.

However, the Department of Basic Education has announced that the matric mid-year exams will once again fall away this year as a result of the impact of Covid, lockdowns and other mitigation measures, to allow for additional teaching time so that matrics can complete the whole curriculum.

An education expert said while it was unfortunate that matrics would once again lose the opportunity to write an official mid-year exam as a result of our current circumstances, matrics could, with the right approach, turn this negative into a positive and use the extra time to their advantage.

“Unfortunately, like the Class of 2020 before them, the Class of 2021 are again facing the most important year of their school careers under very difficult and unusual circumstances,” said Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information and Communications Technology at The Independent Institute of Education.

“As pointed out by Minister Angie Motshekga, many Grade 12s would have lost as much as 60 per cent of teaching time this year, on top of the fact that they didn’t finish last year’s curriculum. Additionally, they also had to sacrifice holiday time to make up for lost teaching days. All things considered, it is clear that this year’s matrics are again under a lot of strain, and being called upon to perform to the best of their ability under rather difficult circumstances,” said Payne.

Nola Payne
Head of Faculty at The Independent Institute of Education
Photo: Supplied

However, there are ways in which they can mitigate the impact of their circumstances, and ensure they make as much as possible with what they do have available before sitting for their final exams later this year, she said.


“Get as much as possible from your contact classes, and be sure to do all you can to grasp key concepts. If you don’t understand something, keep asking for assistance and clarification until you do. If you are studying at home and you find there is something you don’t understand, keep a list of questions to ask your teachers when you are back in class again.

“Don’t just move on to the next thing and think you are going to come back to challenging work later – steadfastly build on your knowledge so that you can continue with confidence.”


Matric is a tough year even under normal circumstances. This year’s matrics didn’t only have to face the unprecedented challenges of last year but have now had to contend with an environment filled with uncertainty, unusual requirements such as masking and interrupted teaching time, and fear of the future for close on a year and a half.

“So if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, recognise and acknowledge this fact, and reach out to a trusted adult for support and assistance. Try to look after your physical well-being as much as possible, by getting enough sleep, fresh air, and exercise if you are up to it. When things get too much, take a timeout, practise deep breathing, and return to the task at hand when you are feeling better.”

Photo: Supplied


Payne said even though most matrics in South Africa wouldn’t be writing their mid-year exams, anyone could still set up their own mock exams – alone or with friends.

“Make a fun activity of it, by getting past exam papers from your school library, your teacher or online, and simulate an exam environment. Sit down with your clock and all the supplies necessary, and pretend you are in fact writing an exam within the allotted time.


Last year, and continuing this year, the national and provincial education departments ensured that they loaded a host of additional resources on their websites – from exam and study tips to past papers and other resources. Additionally, the public broadcaster regularly schedules lectures which can be viewed for free.

“Look further than just your own province’s website and see whether you can find additional resources on the websites of education departments in other provinces,” said Payne.


Things are tough right now, and the circumstances not ideal for performing at your best. However, by keeping the future in mind and connecting that to your daily efforts, you’ll be able to keep the momentum while building on the small victories of each day, said Payne.

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