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Clearing one Covid-19 vaccine myth at a time

JOBURG – Covid-19 vaccines have no connection with any religious organisations and cannot be infused with spirits, demons or other abstract ingredients.

Separating fact from fiction as the Covid-19 vaccination drive continues.

An important part of the vaccination drive is ensuring that all members of the public have full trust in it. Various vaccine myths have been spread causing many to doubt its effectiveness, purpose and usage. Although voluntary, the Department of Health would like to clear the misconceptions around the vaccine, in the hopes of encouraging people to consider the jab.

The following are some of the misinformation and myths that have been recorded during the Covid-19 vaccines:

n Vaccine safety protocols were compromised to fast-track their authorisation for use
The fast development and approval of vaccines is possible due to everything learnt over many decades on how to make and test vaccines. Those lessons and challenges enabled scientists to produce these vaccines. No step in the development, testing or ratification of the Covid-19 vaccines was skipped. The world was able to develop vaccines fast because scientists and governments around the world collaborated in a manner that has never been achieved before and pooled resources and information to ensure that everyone can contribute to the knowledge.

n The vaccines have the mark of the Beast – 666
Vaccines have no connection with any religious organisations and cannot be infused with spirits, demons or other abstract ingredients. There is no conspiracy to possess, bewitch or control anybody, anywhere.

n Big businesses are pushing vaccines to fill their own pockets
The Covid-19 crisis has caused massive upheaval across the globe and no nation has been spared. A vaccine represents the best hope to save lives and to restore our way of life. Many governments have therefore entered into direct talks with vaccine makers to ensure a timely supply of vaccines.

n Vaccines contain a form of microchip that will be used to track and control people
Receiving a vaccine will not allow people to be tracked and personal information would not be entered into a database. There is no vaccine microchip and there is no evidence to support claims that such a move is planned.

n Vaccines are a way for our former oppressors to oppress us again
Scientists and governments all over the world, including our own, have contributed to the knowledge that has led to the development of the vaccines. It has not just been the work of Western and rich countries but a global collaboration.

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