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SPAR race a virtual success

EMMARENTIA – The SPAR Grand Prix was supposed to feature six 10km challenge races between March and October all across South Africa, before the coronavirus and resultant lockdown changed everything.

The SPAR Women’s Challenge was virtual for the first time this year but it was no less fun for those participating in Joburg.

The run was initially planned to happen at Marks Park Sports Club on 4 October but the coronavirus threw a spanner in the works and in the event’s 30th year, participants could run wherever they liked on 26 September.

This did not stop race ambassador and two-time Olympian René Kalmer, and TV and radio presenter Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp from meeting up at the Emmarentia venue for a small warm-up and walk to Emmarentia Dam.

Esther, Elana and Annabelle Afrika-Bredenkamp love the SPAR Women’s Challenge. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Joining them were a group of women and girls of Hanna Charity and Empowerment Foundation as well as Vorentoe Running Academy.

Also in attendance was Ria Adam, who ran the first-ever SPAR Women’s Challenge in 1991.

Smiles abounded as they danced to warm-up music and then marched from the Emmarentia venue to the dam, about 2km away.

Songs rang out as the small crowd crossed paths with onlookers, who cheered them on and hooted as they passed by in vehicles.

Singing rings out as the girls and women walk the SPAR Women’s Challenge. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The group stopped for a short break at the dam to take photos before briskly walking back to the sports club, mostly at an incline now.

“What inspired me this year was Covid-19 and the need to look after the charities in need,” Adam told Caxton Local Media.

“I feel proud that charities are still getting the money from the SPAR race.”

Women of Hanna Charity and Empowerment Foundation enjoy the walk. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The SPAR Grand Prix was supposed to feature six 10km challenge races between March and October all across South Africa, before the coronavirus and resultant lockdown changed everything.

Last year, Namibian runner Helalia Johannes dominated the series. She won all six races in record time and finished the competition with a full house of 180 points – the maximum possible and the first person to achieve this.

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